VIABLUE™ NF-B Subwoofer RCA cables are specifically designed NF cables for subwoofers. A massive inner conductor, which was uniquely developed for bass ranges, is encased with an isolation layer, a so-called dielectric. Both are coated with a semiconducting LDPE layer, as well as two contra-rotating spiral shields made of tinned and pure OFC copper. The finish consists of our flexible, ultra soft audio sleeve.
Massive tones and strong, powerful subwoofer signals
- Coaxial cable
- Massive inner conductor with fine OFC copper strands
Triple-Shield technology
- 2 contra-rotating spiral shields made of tinned and pure OFC copper
- 1 semiconducting LDPE layer
Customized with VIABLUE™ T6s RCA connectors
- 24 carat real gold-plated
- For an optimal contact pressure
Additional features:
- VIABLUE™ Cobra braided cable sleeve
- VIABLUE™ ferrite filter 9 – for an interference free transmission
OFC Copper
OFC means oxygen-free copper
and is an electrolytically refined copper
used for its high conductivity with a
maximum level of oxygen of 0.001%.

VIABLUE™ Ferrite Filter
a ferrite core, built in a metal shell
suppresses the amount of high frequency
electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise
found in electronic circuits.

VIABLUE™ Ferrite
is a ceramic material of iron oxide andadditional metallic elements. All are
electrically non-conductive, meaning
that they are very good insulators.

Technical Specifications
- •Outer Ø incl. sleeving: 9.5 mm
- •Ø ferrite filter 9: 20 mm
- •Capacity conductor: 125 pF/m
- •Burn-in time: approx. 20 hours